Building Hupa for the first time

Because Hupa uses maven as its build tool, the management of dependencies is rather simple. You can either run mvn clean package from the command line, or use the built-in m2eclipse plugin.

Setting up m2eclipse to build Hupa

m2eclipse provides you with the ability to create different run configurations for maven. So you can run what you want, when you want, by a single mouse-click.
To configure the 'm2 run configuration', please do a right click on the project name and select Run As -> Run Configurations ...

In the Following Dialog left-click Maven Build, then click on New on the top. On the dialogs main content area provide the run configuration now. In the Name field type hupa clean package . Uder the Base Directory should be written ${workspace_loc:/hupa-trunk} (if your project is only named hupa, then it would be ${workspace_loc:/hupa}).

Underneath you should check Update Snaphots and on the Refresh Tab you should check Refresh Resources upon Completion and The Project Containing the selected Resource.

After all is set, click Apply and then click Run. It will take a hile to download all the dependencies. Once it is finished, it will refresh eclipse, and we are on the final step to start it up the first time.

Setting up the Google Plugin

Because Hupa uses the google web toolkit (GWT) it is necessary to adjust the output directory of the project. If you don't do that, the Stand alone google browser will not be able to pick up the compiled classes. So, to change it do a right-click on your project choos Run As -> Web Application.
But beware you will get an error! We do this only because the plugin sets almost everything up for us. After we get the error right-click on the project again, and choose Run As -> Run Configurations... then expand the Web Application Node, go to the Arguments tab and add -Dhupa.config.file=${project_loc}/server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/ to the VM Arguments Textbox. Click on Apply and close the dialog.
After that go into the Package Explorer View and expand server -> src -> main -> webapp -> WEB-INF -> conf and double click on Adjust these settings to your liking. googlemail is setup by default.
Last thing to setup is the projects output path. Do a right-click on the project and choose Build Path -> Configure Build Path... Under the Source tab put <your_project_name>/war/WEB-INF/classes in the output directory textbox.

Starting Hupa

So we are finally there. We can run Hupa for the first time.
Do a right-click on the project choose Run As -> Run Configurations... -> Hupa.html and click on run.