Uses of Interface

Packages that use MailRepository
org.apache.james.mailrepository Implementations of mail repositories for use in James. 
org.apache.james.pop3server Provides classes implementing POP3 functionality. A set of interfaces for commonly used, generic James concepts. 

Uses of MailRepository in org.apache.james

Methods in org.apache.james that return MailRepository
 MailRepository James.getUserInbox(java.lang.String userName)

Uses of MailRepository in org.apache.james.jcr

Classes in org.apache.james.jcr that implement MailRepository
 class JCRMailRepository
          Mail repository that is backed by a JCR content repository.

Uses of MailRepository in org.apache.james.mailrepository

Classes in org.apache.james.mailrepository that implement MailRepository
 class AbstractMailRepository
          This class represent an AbstractMailRepository.
 class AvalonMailRepository
          Implementation of a MailRepository on a FileSystem.
 class AvalonSpoolRepository
          Implementation of a MailRepository on a FileSystem.
 class JDBCMailRepository
          Implementation of a MailRepository on a database.
 class JDBCSpoolRepository
          Implementation of a SpoolRepository on a database.
 class MailStoreSpoolRepository
          This is a wrapper for the various implementations of SpoolRepositories.
 class MBoxMailRepository
          Implementation of a MailRepository using UNIX mbox files.

Uses of MailRepository in org.apache.james.mailrepository.javamail

Classes in org.apache.james.mailrepository.javamail that implement MailRepository
 class AbstractJavamailStoreMailRepository
          MailRepository implementation to store mail in a Javamail store This implementation should be considered as EXPERIMENTAL.
 class HashJavamailStoreMailRepository
          MailRepository implementation to store mail in a Javamail store.
 class UIDPlusFolderMailRepository
          MailRepository implementation to store mail in a Javamail store which provides the UID Plus method public long[] addUIDMessages.

This implementation should be considered as EXPERIMENTAL.

Uses of MailRepository in org.apache.james.phoenix.jcr

Classes in org.apache.james.phoenix.jcr that implement MailRepository
 class AvalonJCRMailRepository
          Managed Avalon wrapper for the JCRMailRepository class.

Uses of MailRepository in org.apache.james.pop3server

Methods in org.apache.james.pop3server that return MailRepository
 MailRepository POP3Session.getUserInbox()
          Returns the current user inbox
 MailRepository POP3Handler.getUserInbox()

Methods in org.apache.james.pop3server with parameters of type MailRepository
 void POP3Session.setUserInbox(MailRepository userInbox)
          Sets the user's mail repository
 void POP3Handler.setUserInbox(MailRepository userInbox)

Uses of MailRepository in

Subinterfaces of MailRepository in
 interface SpoolRepository
          Interface for a Repository for Spooling Mails.

Methods in that return MailRepository
 MailRepository MailServer.getUserInbox(java.lang.String userName)
          Retrieve the primary mailbox for userName.

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