Package org.apache.james.pop3server

Provides classes implementing POP3 functionality.


Interface Summary
CommandHandler Custom command handlers must implement this interface The command handlers will be Server wide common to all the POP3Handlers, therefore the command handlers must store all the state information in the POP3Session object
ConnectHandler Custom connect handlers must implement this interface The connect handlers will be server-wide common to all the POP3Handlers, therefore the handlers must store all the state information in the POP3Session object
POP3HandlerConfigurationData Provides a number of server-wide constant values to the POP3Handlers
POP3ServerMBean An interface to expose James management functionality through JMX.
POP3Session All the handlers access this interface to communicate with POP3Handler object

Class Summary
DeleCmdHandler Handles DELE command
ListCmdHandler Handles LIST command
NoopCmdHandler Handles NOOP command
PassCmdHandler Handles PASS command
POP3Handler The handler class for POP3 connections.
POP3HandlerChain The POP3HandlerChain is per service object providing access ConnectHandlers, Commandhandlers and message handlers
POP3Server Accepts POP3 connections on a server socket and dispatches them to POP3Handlers.
QuitCmdHandler Handles QUIT command
RetrCmdHandler Handles RETR command
RsetCmdHandler Handles RSET command
StatCmdHandler Handles STAT command
TopCmdHandler Handles TOP command
UidlCmdHandler Handles UIDL command
UnknownCmdHandler Default command handler for handling unknown commands
UserCmdHandler Handles NOOP command

Package org.apache.james.pop3server Description

Provides classes implementing POP3 functionality.

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