Package org.apache.james.mailrepository.javamail

Interface Summary
FolderGateKeeper offers access to an underlaying Folder and manages open/close operations.
The FolderGateKeeper can be handed over to different threads.
FolderInterface Interface to javax.mail.Folder functionality to be able to replace implementation or using Mocks when testing
LockInterface Interface for org.apache.james.util.Lock functionality to be able to replace implementation or using Mock-objects at tests
StoreGateKeeperAware Bridge, that allows JavamailStoreMailRepository implementations to offer the underlaying Javamail Store
UIDPlusFolder Interim interface to provide access to UID PLUS methods reflecting RFC 2359, until official Javamail API offers this.
UidToKeyBidiMap Used to map uids to keys and keys to uids

Class Summary
AbstractJavamailStoreMailRepository MailRepository implementation to store mail in a Javamail store This implementation should be considered as EXPERIMENTAL.
FolderAdapter Simple 1:1 wrapper that holds a javax.mail.Folder internally to be accessed through the FolderInterface
FolderGateKeeperImpl offers access to an underlaying Folder and manages open/close operations.
The FolderGateKeeper can be handed over to different threads.
HashJavamailStoreMailRepository MailRepository implementation to store mail in a Javamail store.
HashJavamailStoreMailRepository.MsgObj used to internal represent a message
LockAdapter Just a simple 1:1 wrapper for org.apache.james.util.Lock that implements the LockInterface
UIDPlusFolderAdapter Simple 1:1 wrapper for original JavaMail Folder and UIDFolder.
UIDPlusFolderMailRepository MailRepository implementation to store mail in a Javamail store which provides the UID Plus method public long[] addUIDMessages.

This implementation should be considered as EXPERIMENTAL.

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