
James is a successful project because of the large and diverse community that contributes to it.

Here is a list of companies which actively contribute to James by contributing in the evolution of James or by giving some resources/services.

Companies description

Company Description
Baechler Craftsmanship

Baechler Craftsmanship has a very strong knowledge both on email and James. The company is run by a long-time contributor and PMC of James which contributed significant enhancements over the years.

The company is commited to contribute to James and offers consultancy for companies willing to use James on their own infrastructure and/or need enhancements to fit their own needs.

Free Software is a core value of the company and it can also help customers to work with James community in an efficient and positive way.

We are an Open Source Software Company.

Our mission is to bring digital independency to our customers.

We are focused on large organizations both from private and public sector. We have set ourselves the goal of helping Governments to achieve their digital sovereignty.

Linagora employs 5 James committers and 3 PMC members. We can offer professional services related to James: support, feature development or project integration.


Company Contributions


Company Resources/Services