Package org.apache.james.smtpserver

Provides classes implementing SMTP functionality.


Interface Summary
CommandHandler Custom command handlers must implement this interface The command handlers will be Server wide common to all the SMTPHandlers, therefore the command handlers must store all the state information in the SMTPSession object
ConnectHandler Custom connect handlers must implement this interface The connect handlers will be server-wide common to all the SMTPHandlers, therefore the handlers must store all the state information in the SMTPSession object
MessageHandler Custom message handlers must implement this interface The message handlers will be server-wide common to all the SMTPHandlers, therefore the handlers must store all the state information in the SMTPSession object
SMTPHandlerConfigurationData Provides a number of server-wide constant values to the SMTPHandlers
SMTPServerMBean An interface to expose James management functionality through JMX.
SMTPSession All the handlers access this interface to communicate with SMTPHandler object

Class Summary
ReaderInputStream Simple class to allow a cast from a to a $Id: 522056 2007-03-24 17:23:19Z bago $
SizeLimitedInputStream Wraps an underlying input stream, limiting the allowable size of incoming data.
SMTPHandler Provides SMTP functionality by carrying out the server side of the SMTP interaction.
SMTPHandlerChain The SMTPHandlerChain is per service object providing access ConnectHandlers, Commandhandlers and message handlers
SMTPServer Accepts SMTP connections on a server socket and dispatches them to SMTPHandlers.

Exception Summary
MessageSizeException This exception is used to indicate when a new MimeMessage has exceeded the maximum message size for the server, as configured in the conf file.

Package org.apache.james.smtpserver Description

Provides classes implementing SMTP functionality.

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