Package org.apache.james.smtpserver.core

Class Summary
AuthCmdHandler handles AUTH command
CoreCmdHandlerLoader This class represent the base command handlers which are shipped with james.
DataCmdHandler handles DATA command
EhloCmdHandler Handles EHLO command
ExpnCmdHandler Handles EXPN command
HeloCmdHandler Handles HELO command
HelpCmdHandler Handles HELP command
MailCmdHandler Handles MAIL command
NoopCmdHandler Handles NOOP command
POP3BeforeSMTPHandler This ConnectHandler can be used to activate pop-before-smtp
QuitCmdHandler Handles QUIT command
RcptCmdHandler Handles RCPT command
RsetCmdHandler Handles RSET command
SendMailHandler Adds the header to the message
SetMimeHeaderHandler Adds the header to the message
UnknownCmdHandler Default command handler for handling unknown commands
VrfyCmdHandler Command handler for handling VRFY command

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