Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServiceLocator
org.apache.james.transport Classes that implement the matcher/mailet processing chain. 

Uses of ServiceLocator in org.apache.james.container.spring.lifecycle

Classes in org.apache.james.container.spring.lifecycle that implement ServiceLocator
 class InitializationPropagator
          calls initialize() for all avalon components

Uses of ServiceLocator in org.apache.james.phoenix

Classes in org.apache.james.phoenix that implement ServiceLocator
 class PhoenixLoader

Uses of ServiceLocator in org.apache.james.transport

Methods in org.apache.james.transport that return ServiceLocator
 ServiceLocator JamesMailetLoader.getServiceLocator()
          Gets the service locator.

Methods in org.apache.james.transport with parameters of type ServiceLocator
 void JamesMailetLoader.setServiceLocator(ServiceLocator serviceLocator)
          Sets the service locator.

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