Package org.apache.james.transport

Classes that implement the matcher/mailet processing chain.


Interface Summary
MailetContainer interface for mailet/matcher-containing processors.
MailProcessor NOTE: this is an experimental interface.
ProcessorList provide access on child processor

Class Summary
JamesMailetLoader Loads Mailets for use inside James.
JamesMatcherLoader Loads Matchers for use inside James.
JamesSpoolManager Manages the mail spool.
LinearProcessor Implements a processor for mails, directing the mail down the chain of matchers/mailets.
Loader $Id: 684792 2008-08-11 16:18:23Z bago $
Loader.MailetContextWrapper Wrapper fot a MailetContext that simply override the used logger.
MailetConfigImpl Implements the configuration object for a Mailet.
MatcherConfigImpl Implements the configuration object for a Matcher.
Resources A set of constants used inside the James transport.
StateAwareProcessorList This class is responsible for creating a set of named processors and directing messages to the appropriate processor (given the State of the mail)

Package org.apache.james.transport Description

Classes that implement the matcher/mailet processing chain.

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