Class Message

  extended by org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Entity
      extended by org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Message
All Implemented Interfaces:
Body, Disposable

public class Message
extends Entity
implements Body

Represents a MIME message. The following code parses a stream into a Message object.

 Message msg = new Message(new FileInputStream("mime.msg"));

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new empty Message.
Message( is)
          Parses the specified MIME message stream into a Message instance.
Message( is, MimeEntityConfig config)
          Parses the specified MIME message stream into a Message instance using given MimeEntityConfig.
Message( is, MimeEntityConfig config, StorageProvider storageProvider)
          Parses the specified MIME message stream into a Message instance using given MimeEntityConfig and StorageProvider.
Message(Message other)
          Creates a new Message from the specified Message.
Method Summary
 void createMessageId(java.lang.String hostname)
          Creates and sets a new Message-ID header field for this message.
 AddressList getBcc()
          Returns the value of the Bcc header field of this message as AddressList object or null if it is not present.
 AddressList getCc()
          Returns the value of the Cc header field of this message as AddressList object or null if it is not present.
 java.util.Date getDate()
          Returns the value of the Date header field of this message as Date object or null if it is not present.
 MailboxList getFrom()
          Returns the value of the From header field of this message as MailboxList object or null if it is not present.
 java.lang.String getMessageId()
          Returns the value of the Message-ID header field of this message or null if it is not present.
 AddressList getReplyTo()
          Returns the value of the Reply-To header field of this message as AddressList object or null if it is not present.
 Mailbox getSender()
          Returns the value of the Sender header field of this message as Mailbox object or null if it is not present.
 java.lang.String getSubject()
          Returns the (decoded) value of the Subject header field of this message or null if it is not present.
 AddressList getTo()
          Returns the value of the To header field of this message as AddressList object or null if it is not present.
 void setBcc(Address... bcc)
          Sets the Bcc header field of this message to the specified addresses.
 void setBcc(Address bcc)
          Sets the Bcc header field of this message to the specified address.
 void setBcc(java.util.Collection<Address> bcc)
          Sets the Bcc header field of this message to the specified addresses.
 void setCc(Address... cc)
          Sets the Cc header field of this message to the specified addresses.
 void setCc(Address cc)
          Sets the Cc header field of this message to the specified address.
 void setCc(java.util.Collection<Address> cc)
          Sets the Cc header field of this message to the specified addresses.
 void setDate(java.util.Date date)
          Sets the Date header field for this message.
 void setDate(java.util.Date date, java.util.TimeZone zone)
          Sets the Date header field for this message.
 void setFrom(java.util.Collection<Mailbox> from)
          Sets the From header field of this message to the specified mailbox addresses.
 void setFrom(Mailbox... from)
          Sets the From header field of this message to the specified mailbox addresses.
 void setFrom(Mailbox from)
          Sets the From header field of this message to the specified mailbox address.
 void setReplyTo(Address... replyTo)
          Sets the Reply-To header field of this message to the specified addresses.
 void setReplyTo(Address replyTo)
          Sets the Reply-To header field of this message to the specified address.
 void setReplyTo(java.util.Collection<Address> replyTo)
          Sets the Reply-To header field of this message to the specified addresses.
 void setSender(Mailbox sender)
          Sets the Sender header field of this message to the specified mailbox address.
 void setSubject(java.lang.String subject)
          Sets the Subject header field for this message.
 void setTo(Address... to)
          Sets the To header field of this message to the specified addresses.
 void setTo(Address to)
          Sets the To header field of this message to the specified address.
 void setTo(java.util.Collection<Address> to)
          Sets the To header field of this message to the specified addresses.
 void writeTo( out)
          Write the content to the given output stream using the default message writer.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Entity
dispose, getBody, getCharset, getContentTransferEncoding, getDispositionType, getFilename, getHeader, getMimeType, getParent, isMimeType, isMultipart, removeBody, setBody, setBody, setBody, setContentDisposition, setContentDisposition, setContentDisposition, setContentDisposition, setContentTransferEncoding, setFilename, setHeader, setMessage, setMultipart, setMultipart, setParent, setText, setText
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Body
getParent, setParent
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.james.mime4j.message.Disposable

Constructor Detail


public Message()
Creates a new empty Message.


public Message(Message other)
Creates a new Message from the specified Message. The Message instance is initialized with copies of header and body of the specified Message. The parent entity of the new message is null.

other - message to copy.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if other contains a SingleBody that does not support the copy() operation.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if other contains a Body that is neither a Message, Multipart or SingleBody.


public Message( is)
Parses the specified MIME message stream into a Message instance.

is - the stream to parse.
Throws: - on I/O errors.
MimeIOException - on MIME protocol violations.


public Message( is,
               MimeEntityConfig config)
Parses the specified MIME message stream into a Message instance using given MimeEntityConfig.

is - the stream to parse.
Throws: - on I/O errors.
MimeIOException - on MIME protocol violations.


public Message( is,
               MimeEntityConfig config,
               StorageProvider storageProvider)
Parses the specified MIME message stream into a Message instance using given MimeEntityConfig and StorageProvider.

is - the stream to parse.
config - MimeEntityConfig to use.
storageProvider - StorageProvider to use for storing text and binary message bodies.
Throws: - on I/O errors.
MimeIOException - on MIME protocol violations.
Method Detail


public void writeTo( out)
Write the content to the given output stream using the default message writer.

out - the output stream to write to.
Throws: - in case of an I/O error
See Also:


public java.lang.String getMessageId()
Returns the value of the Message-ID header field of this message or null if it is not present.

the identifier of this message.


public void createMessageId(java.lang.String hostname)
Creates and sets a new Message-ID header field for this message. A Header is created if this message does not already have one.

hostname - host name to be included in the identifier or null if no host name should be included.


public java.lang.String getSubject()
Returns the (decoded) value of the Subject header field of this message or null if it is not present.

the subject of this message.


public void setSubject(java.lang.String subject)
Sets the Subject header field for this message. The specified string may contain non-ASCII characters, in which case it gets encoded as an 'encoded-word' automatically. A Header is created if this message does not already have one.

subject - subject to set or null to remove the subject header field.


public java.util.Date getDate()
Returns the value of the Date header field of this message as Date object or null if it is not present.

the date of this message.


public void setDate(java.util.Date date)
Sets the Date header field for this message. This method uses the default TimeZone of this host to encode the specified Date object into a string.

date - date to set or null to remove the date header field.


public void setDate(java.util.Date date,
                    java.util.TimeZone zone)
Sets the Date header field for this message. The specified TimeZone is used to encode the specified Date object into a string.

date - date to set or null to remove the date header field.
zone - a time zone.


public Mailbox getSender()
Returns the value of the Sender header field of this message as Mailbox object or null if it is not present.

the sender of this message.


public void setSender(Mailbox sender)
Sets the Sender header field of this message to the specified mailbox address.

sender - address to set or null to remove the header field.


public MailboxList getFrom()
Returns the value of the From header field of this message as MailboxList object or null if it is not present.

value of the from field of this message.


public void setFrom(Mailbox from)
Sets the From header field of this message to the specified mailbox address.

from - address to set or null to remove the header field.


public void setFrom(Mailbox... from)
Sets the From header field of this message to the specified mailbox addresses.

from - addresses to set or null or no arguments to remove the header field.


public void setFrom(java.util.Collection<Mailbox> from)
Sets the From header field of this message to the specified mailbox addresses.

from - addresses to set or null or an empty collection to remove the header field.


public AddressList getTo()
Returns the value of the To header field of this message as AddressList object or null if it is not present.

value of the to field of this message.


public void setTo(Address to)
Sets the To header field of this message to the specified address.

to - address to set or null to remove the header field.


public void setTo(Address... to)
Sets the To header field of this message to the specified addresses.

to - addresses to set or null or no arguments to remove the header field.


public void setTo(java.util.Collection<Address> to)
Sets the To header field of this message to the specified addresses.

to - addresses to set or null or an empty collection to remove the header field.


public AddressList getCc()
Returns the value of the Cc header field of this message as AddressList object or null if it is not present.

value of the cc field of this message.


public void setCc(Address cc)
Sets the Cc header field of this message to the specified address.

cc - address to set or null to remove the header field.


public void setCc(Address... cc)
Sets the Cc header field of this message to the specified addresses.

cc - addresses to set or null or no arguments to remove the header field.


public void setCc(java.util.Collection<Address> cc)
Sets the Cc header field of this message to the specified addresses.

cc - addresses to set or null or an empty collection to remove the header field.


public AddressList getBcc()
Returns the value of the Bcc header field of this message as AddressList object or null if it is not present.

value of the bcc field of this message.


public void setBcc(Address bcc)
Sets the Bcc header field of this message to the specified address.

bcc - address to set or null to remove the header field.


public void setBcc(Address... bcc)
Sets the Bcc header field of this message to the specified addresses.

bcc - addresses to set or null or no arguments to remove the header field.


public void setBcc(java.util.Collection<Address> bcc)
Sets the Bcc header field of this message to the specified addresses.

bcc - addresses to set or null or an empty collection to remove the header field.


public AddressList getReplyTo()
Returns the value of the Reply-To header field of this message as AddressList object or null if it is not present.

value of the reply to field of this message.


public void setReplyTo(Address replyTo)
Sets the Reply-To header field of this message to the specified address.

replyTo - address to set or null to remove the header field.


public void setReplyTo(Address... replyTo)
Sets the Reply-To header field of this message to the specified addresses.

replyTo - addresses to set or null or no arguments to remove the header field.


public void setReplyTo(java.util.Collection<Address> replyTo)
Sets the Reply-To header field of this message to the specified addresses.

replyTo - addresses to set or null or an empty collection to remove the header field.

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