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21  package org.apache.james.util.sql;
23  import org.apache.oro.text.perl.MalformedPerl5PatternException;
24  import org.apache.oro.text.perl.Perl5Util;
25  import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
26  import org.w3c.dom.Document;
27  import org.w3c.dom.Element;
28  import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
29  import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
31  import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
32  import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import java.sql.Connection;
36  import java.sql.SQLException;
37  import java.util.HashMap;
38  import java.util.Iterator;
39  import java.util.Map;
42  /**
43   * Provides a set of SQL String resources (eg SQL Strings)
44   * to use for a database connection.
45   * This class allows SQL strings to be customised to particular
46   * database products, by detecting product information from the
47   * jdbc DatabaseMetaData object.
48   * 
49   */
50  public class SqlResources
51  {
52      /**
53       * A map of statement types to SQL statements
54       */
55      private Map m_sql = new HashMap();
57      /**
58       * A map of engine specific options
59       */
60      private Map m_dbOptions = new HashMap();
62      /**
63       * A set of all used String values
64       */
65      static private Map stringTable = java.util.Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
67      /**
68       * A Perl5 regexp matching helper class
69       */
70      private Perl5Util m_perl5Util = new Perl5Util();
72      /**
73       * Configures a DbResources object to provide SQL statements from a file.
74       * 
75       * SQL statements returned may be specific to the particular type
76       * and version of the connected database, as well as the database driver.
77       * 
78       * Parameters encoded as $(parameter} in the input file are
79       * replace by values from the parameters Map, if the named parameter exists.
80       * Parameter values may also be specified in the resourceSection element.
81       * 
82       * @param sqlFile    the input file containing the string definitions
83       * @param sqlDefsSection
84       *                   the xml element containing the strings to be used
85       * @param conn the Jdbc DatabaseMetaData, taken from a database connection
86       * @param configParameters a map of parameters (name-value string pairs) which are
87       *                   replaced where found in the input strings
88       */
89      public void init(File sqlFile, String sqlDefsSection,
90                       Connection conn, Map configParameters)
91          throws Exception
92      {
93          // Parse the sqlFile as an XML document.
94          DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
95          DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
96          Document sqlDoc = builder.parse(sqlFile);
98          init(sqlDoc, sqlDefsSection, conn, configParameters);
99      }
101     /**
102      * Configures a DbResources object to provide SQL statements from an InputStream.
103      * 
104      * SQL statements returned may be specific to the particular type
105      * and version of the connected database, as well as the database driver.
106      * 
107      * Parameters encoded as $(parameter} in the input file are
108      * replace by values from the parameters Map, if the named parameter exists.
109      * Parameter values may also be specified in the resourceSection element.
110      * 
111      * @param input    the input stream containing the xml
112      * @param sqlDefsSection
113      *                   the xml element containing the strings to be used
114      * @param conn the Jdbc DatabaseMetaData, taken from a database connection
115      * @param configParameters a map of parameters (name-value string pairs) which are
116      *                   replaced where found in the input strings
117      */
118     public void init(InputStream input, String sqlDefsSection,
119                      Connection conn, Map configParameters)
120         throws Exception
121     {
122         // Parse the InputStream as an XML document.
123         DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
124         DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
125         Document sqlDoc = builder.parse(input);
127         init(sqlDoc, sqlDefsSection, conn, configParameters);
128     }
131     /**
132      * Configures a SqlResources object from an xml document.
133      * 
134      * @param sqlDoc
135      * @param sqlDefsSection
136      * @param conn
137      * @param configParameters
138      * @throws SQLException
139      */
140   protected void init(Document sqlDoc, String sqlDefsSection,
141           Connection conn, Map configParameters) throws SQLException {
142       // First process the database matcher, to determine the
143         //  sql statements to use.
144         Element dbMatcherElement = 
145             (Element)(sqlDoc.getElementsByTagName("dbMatchers").item(0));
146         String dbProduct = null;
147         if ( dbMatcherElement != null ) {
148             dbProduct = matchDbConnection(conn, dbMatcherElement);
149             m_perl5Util = null;     // release the PERL matcher!
150         }
152         // Now get the options valid for the database product used.
153         Element dbOptionsElement = 
154             (Element)(sqlDoc.getElementsByTagName("dbOptions").item(0));
155         if ( dbOptionsElement != null ) {
156             // First populate the map with default values 
157             populateDbOptions("", dbOptionsElement, m_dbOptions);
158             // Now update the map with specific product values
159             if ( dbProduct != null ) {
160                 populateDbOptions(dbProduct, dbOptionsElement, m_dbOptions);
161             }
162         }
165         // Now get the section defining sql for the repository required.
166         NodeList sections = sqlDoc.getElementsByTagName("sqlDefs");
167         int sectionsCount = sections.getLength();
168         Element sectionElement = null;
169         boolean found = false;
170         for (int i = 0; i < sectionsCount; i++ ) {
171             sectionElement = (Element)(sections.item(i));
172             String sectionName = sectionElement.getAttribute("name");
173             if ( sectionName != null && sectionName.equals(sqlDefsSection) ) {
174                 found = true;
175                 break;
176             }
178         }
179         if ( !found ) {
180             StringBuffer exceptionBuffer =
181                 new StringBuffer(64)
182                         .append("Error loading sql definition file. ")
183                         .append("The element named \'")
184                         .append(sqlDefsSection)
185                         .append("\' does not exist.");
186             throw new RuntimeException(exceptionBuffer.toString());
187         }
189         // Get parameters defined within the file as defaults,
190         // and use supplied parameters as overrides.
191         Map parameters = new HashMap();
192         // First read from the <params> element, if it exists.
193         Element parametersElement = 
194             (Element)(sectionElement.getElementsByTagName("parameters").item(0));
195         if ( parametersElement != null ) {
196             NamedNodeMap params = parametersElement.getAttributes();
197             int paramCount = params.getLength();
198             for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++ ) {
199                 Attr param = (Attr)params.item(i);
200                 String paramName = param.getName();
201                 String paramValue = param.getValue();
202                 parameters.put(paramName, paramValue);
203             }
204         }
205         // Then copy in the parameters supplied with the call.
206         parameters.putAll(configParameters);
208         // 2 maps - one for storing default statements,
209         // the other for statements with a "db" attribute matching this 
210         // connection.
211         Map defaultSqlStatements = new HashMap();
212         Map dbProductSqlStatements = new HashMap();
214         // Process each sql statement, replacing string parameters,
215         // and adding to the appropriate map..
216         NodeList sqlDefs = sectionElement.getElementsByTagName("sql");
217         int sqlCount = sqlDefs.getLength();
218         for ( int i = 0; i < sqlCount; i++ ) {
219             // See if this needs to be processed (is default or product specific)
220             Element sqlElement = (Element)(sqlDefs.item(i));
221             String sqlDb = sqlElement.getAttribute("db");
222             Map sqlMap;
223             if ( sqlDb.equals("")) {
224                 // default
225                 sqlMap = defaultSqlStatements;
226             }
227             else if (sqlDb.equals(dbProduct) ) {
228                 // Specific to this product
229                 sqlMap = dbProductSqlStatements;
230             }
231             else {
232                 // for a different product
233                 continue;
234             }
236             // Get the key and value for this SQL statement.
237             String sqlKey = sqlElement.getAttribute("name");
238             if ( sqlKey == null ) {
239                 // ignore statements without a "name" attribute.
240                 continue;
241             }
242             String sqlString = sqlElement.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
244             // Do parameter replacements for this sql string.
245             Iterator paramNames = parameters.keySet().iterator();
246             StringBuffer replaceBuffer = new StringBuffer(64);
247             while ( paramNames.hasNext() ) {
248                 String paramName = (String);
249                 String paramValue = (String)parameters.get(paramName);
250                 replaceBuffer.append("${").append(paramName).append("}");
251                 sqlString = substituteSubString(sqlString, replaceBuffer.toString(), paramValue);
252                 if (paramNames.hasNext()) replaceBuffer.setLength(0);
253             }
255             // See if we already have registered a string of this value
256             String shared = (String) stringTable.get(sqlString);
257             // If not, register it -- we will use it next time
258             if (shared == null) {
259                 stringTable.put(sqlString, sqlString);
260             } else {
261                 sqlString = shared;
262             }
264             // Add to the sqlMap - either the "default" or the "product" map
265             sqlMap.put(sqlKey, sqlString);
266         }
268         // Copy in default strings, then overwrite product-specific ones.
269         m_sql.putAll(defaultSqlStatements);
270         m_sql.putAll(dbProductSqlStatements);
271   }
273     /**
274      * Compares the DatabaseProductName value for a jdbc Connection
275      * against a set of regular expressions defined in XML.
276      * The first successful match defines the name of the database product
277      * connected to. This value is then used to choose the specific SQL 
278      * expressions to use.
279      *
280      * @param conn the JDBC connection being tested
281      * @param dbMatchersElement the XML element containing the database type information
282      *
283      * @return the type of database to which James is connected
284      *
285      */
286     private String matchDbConnection(Connection conn, 
287                                      Element dbMatchersElement)
288         throws MalformedPerl5PatternException, SQLException
289     {
290         String dbProductName = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();
292         NodeList dbMatchers = 
293             dbMatchersElement.getElementsByTagName("dbMatcher");
294         for ( int i = 0; i < dbMatchers.getLength(); i++ ) {
295             // Get the values for this matcher element.
296             Element dbMatcher = (Element)dbMatchers.item(i);
297             String dbMatchName = dbMatcher.getAttribute("db");
298             StringBuffer dbProductPatternBuffer =
299                 new StringBuffer(64)
300                         .append("/")
301                         .append(dbMatcher.getAttribute("databaseProductName"))
302                         .append("/i");
304             // If the connection databaseProcuctName matches the pattern,
305             // use the match name from this matcher.
306             if ( m_perl5Util.match(dbProductPatternBuffer.toString(), dbProductName) ) {
307                 return dbMatchName;
308             }
309         }
310         return null;
311     }
313     /**
314      * Gets all the name/value pair db option couples related to the dbProduct,
315      * and put them into the dbOptionsMap.
316      *
317      * @param dbProduct the db product used
318      * @param dbOptionsElement the XML element containing the options
319      * @param dbOptionsMap the <CODE>Map</CODE> to populate
320      *
321      */
322     private void populateDbOptions(String dbProduct, Element dbOptionsElement, Map dbOptionsMap)
323     {
324         NodeList dbOptions = 
325             dbOptionsElement.getElementsByTagName("dbOption");
326         for ( int i = 0; i < dbOptions.getLength(); i++ ) {
327             // Get the values for this option element.
328             Element dbOption = (Element)dbOptions.item(i);
329             // Check is this element is pertinent to the dbProduct
330             // Notice that a missing attribute returns "", good for defaults
331             if (!dbProduct.equalsIgnoreCase(dbOption.getAttribute("db"))) {
332                 continue;
333             }
334             // Put into the map
335             dbOptionsMap.put(dbOption.getAttribute("name"), dbOption.getAttribute("value"));
336         }
337     }
339     /**
340      * Replace substrings of one string with another string and return altered string.
341      * @param input input string
342      * @param find the string to replace
343      * @param replace the string to replace with
344      * @return the substituted string
345      */
346     private String substituteSubString( String input, 
347                                         String find,
348                                         String replace )
349     {
350         int find_length = find.length();
351         int replace_length = replace.length();
353         StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(input);
354         int index = input.indexOf(find);
355         int outputOffset = 0;
357         while ( index > -1 ) {
358             output.replace(index + outputOffset, index + outputOffset + find_length, replace);
359             outputOffset = outputOffset + (replace_length - find_length);
361             index = input.indexOf(find, index + find_length);
362         }
364         String result = output.toString();
365         return result;
366     }
368     /**
369      * Returns a named SQL string for the specified connection,
370      * replacing parameters with the values set.
371      * 
372      * @param name   the name of the SQL resource required.
373      * @return the requested resource
374      */
375     public String getSqlString(String name)
376     {
377         return (String)m_sql.get(name);
378     }
380     /**
381      * Returns a named SQL string for the specified connection,
382      * replacing parameters with the values set.
383      * throws ConfigurationException if a required resource cannot be found.
384      * 
385      * @param name     the name of the SQL resource required.
386      * @param required true if the resource is required
387      * @return the requested resource
388      */
389     public String getSqlString(String name, boolean required)
390     {
391         String sql = getSqlString(name);
393         if (sql == null && required) {
394             StringBuffer exceptionBuffer =
395                 new StringBuffer(64)
396                         .append("Required SQL resource: '")
397                         .append(name)
398                         .append("' was not found.");
399             throw new RuntimeException(exceptionBuffer.toString());
400         }
401         return sql;
402     }
404     /**
405      * Returns the dbOption string value set for the specified dbOption name.
406      * 
407      * @param name the name of the dbOption required.
408      * @return the requested dbOption value
409      */
410     public String getDbOption(String name)
411     {
412         return (String)m_dbOptions.get(name);
413     }
415 }