Uses of Class

Packages that use TemporaryResolutionException
org.apache.james.dnsserver Provides classes implementing simple DNS facilities for James 

Uses of TemporaryResolutionException in org.apache.james.api.dnsservice

Methods in org.apache.james.api.dnsservice that throw TemporaryResolutionException
 java.util.Collection DNSService.findMXRecords(java.lang.String hostname)
          Return a prioritized unmodifiable list of host handling mail for the domain.
 java.util.Iterator DNSService.getSMTPHostAddresses(java.lang.String domainName)
          Returns an Iterator over org.apache.mailet.HostAddress, a specialized subclass of javax.mail.URLName, which provides location information for servers that are specified as mail handlers for the given hostname.

Uses of TemporaryResolutionException in org.apache.james.dnsserver

Methods in org.apache.james.dnsserver that throw TemporaryResolutionException
 java.util.Collection DNSServer.findMXRecords(java.lang.String hostname)
 java.util.Iterator DNSServer.getSMTPHostAddresses(java.lang.String domainName)
protected  org.xbill.DNS.Record[] DNSServer.lookup(java.lang.String namestr, int type, java.lang.String typeDesc)
          Looks up DNS records of the specified type for the specified name.

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