Uses of Interface

Packages that use DNSService
org.apache.james.dnsserver Provides classes implementing simple DNS facilities for James 
org.apache.james.transport.mailets Core mailets for use with the Mailet API. 

Uses of DNSService in org.apache.james

Methods in org.apache.james that return DNSService
protected  DNSService James.lookupDNSServer()

Uses of DNSService in org.apache.james.api.dnsservice

Classes in org.apache.james.api.dnsservice that implement DNSService
 class AbstractDNSServer
          Abstract class to simplify the mocks

Uses of DNSService in org.apache.james.api.dnsservice.util

Constructors in org.apache.james.api.dnsservice.util with parameters of type DNSService
NetMatcher(java.util.Collection nets, DNSService dnsServer)
          Create a new instance of Netmatcher
NetMatcher(java.lang.String[] nets, DNSService dnsServer)
          Create a new instance of Netmatcher

Uses of DNSService in org.apache.james.dnsserver

Classes in org.apache.james.dnsserver that implement DNSService
 class DNSServer
          Provides DNS client functionality to services running inside James

Uses of DNSService in org.apache.james.domain

Methods in org.apache.james.domain that return DNSService
protected  DNSService AbstractDomainList.getDNSServer()
          Return dnsServer

Uses of DNSService in org.apache.james.fetchmail

Methods in org.apache.james.fetchmail that return DNSService
protected  DNSService ProcessorAbstract.getDNSServer()
          Returns the DNSService
protected  DNSService FetchMail.getDNSServer()
          Returns the DNSService.

Methods in org.apache.james.fetchmail with parameters of type DNSService
protected  void FetchMail.setDNSServer(DNSService dnsServer)
          Sets the DNSService.

Uses of DNSService in org.apache.james.smtpserver.core.filter.fastfail

Fields in org.apache.james.smtpserver.core.filter.fastfail declared as DNSService
protected  DNSService ResolvableEhloHeloHandler.dnsServer

Methods in org.apache.james.smtpserver.core.filter.fastfail with parameters of type DNSService
 void ValidRcptMX.setBannedNetworks(java.util.Collection networks, DNSService dnsServer)
          Set the banned networks
 void GreylistHandler.setDnsServer(DNSService dnsServer)
          Set the DNSService
 void URIRBLHandler.setDnsServer(DNSService dnsServer)
          Set the DNSService
 void ResolvableEhloHeloHandler.setDnsServer(DNSService dnsServer)
          Set the DNSService
 void ValidSenderDomainHandler.setDnsServer(DNSService dnsServer)
          Set the DnsServer
 void DNSRBLHandler.setDNSServer(DNSService dnsServer)
          Set the DNSService
 void ValidRcptMX.setDNSServer(DNSService dnsServer)
          Set the DNSService

Uses of DNSService in org.apache.james.socket

Fields in org.apache.james.socket declared as DNSService
protected  DNSService AbstractJamesHandler.dnsServer
          The DNSService

Methods in org.apache.james.socket with parameters of type DNSService
 void AbstractJamesHandler.setDnsServer(DNSService dnsServer)

Uses of DNSService in org.apache.james.transport.mailets

Methods in org.apache.james.transport.mailets with parameters of type DNSService
protected  void RemoteDelivery.setDNSServer(DNSService dnsServer)
          Setter for the dnsserver service

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