Uses of Interface

Packages that use Matcher A set of interfaces for commonly used, generic James concepts. 
org.apache.james.transport Classes that implement the matcher/mailet processing chain. 
org.apache.james.transport.matchers Core matchers for use with the Mailet API. 
org.apache.mailet The classes that constitute the Mailet API. 

Uses of Matcher in

Methods in that return Matcher
 Matcher MatcherLoader.getMatcher(java.lang.String matchName)
          Get a new Matcher with the specified name acting in the specified context.

Uses of Matcher in org.apache.james.transport

Methods in org.apache.james.transport that return Matcher
 Matcher JamesMatcherLoader.getMatcher(java.lang.String matchName)

Methods in org.apache.james.transport with parameters of type Matcher
 void LinearProcessor.add(Matcher matcher, Mailet mailet)
          Adds a new Matcher / Mailet pair to the processor.

Uses of Matcher in org.apache.james.transport.matchers

Classes in org.apache.james.transport.matchers that implement Matcher
 class AbstractNetworkMatcher
          AbstractNetworkMatcher makes writing IP Address matchers easier.
 class AbstractQuotaMatcher
          Abstract matcher checking whether a recipient has exceeded a maximum allowed quota.
 class AbstractStorageQuota
          Experimental: Abstract matcher checking whether a recipient has exceeded a maximum allowed storage quota for messages standing in his inbox.
 class All
 class AttachmentFileNameIs
          Checks if at least one attachment has a file name which matches any element of a comma-separated or space-separated list of file name masks.
 class CommandForListserv
          Returns positive if the recipient is a command for a listserv.
 class CommandListservMatcher
          CommandListservMatcher is the matcher that pairs with the CommandListservManager It checks to see if the request is intended for the ListservManager, but doesn't guarantee that it is a valid command.
 class CompareNumericHeaderValue
          Matches mails containing a header with a numeric value whose comparison with the specified value is true.
 class FetchedFrom
          Matches mail with a header set by Fetchpop X-fetched-from
fetchpop sets X-fetched-by to the "name" of the fetchpop fetch task.
This is used to match all mail fetched from a specific pop account.
 class FileRegexMatcher
          Initializes RegexMatcher with regular expressions from a file.
 class GenericRegexMatcher
          This is a generic matcher that uses regular expressions.
 class HasAttachment
          Checks whether this message has an attachment
 class HasHabeasWarrantMark
 class HasHeader
          use: This matcher simply checks to see if the header named is present.
 class HasMailAttribute
          This Matcher determines if the mail contains the attribute specified in the condition, and returns all recipients if it is the case.
 class HasMailAttributeWithValue
          This Matcher determines if the mail contains the attribute specified in the condition and if the value answered when the method toString() is invoked on the attribute is equal to the String value specified in the condition.
 class HasMailAttributeWithValueRegex
          This Matcher determines if the mail contains the attribute specified in the condition and that attribute matches the supplied regular expression, it returns all recipients if that is the case.
 class HostIs
 class HostIsLocal
 class InSpammerBlacklist
          Checks the network IP address of the sending server against a blacklist of spammers.
 class IsInWhiteList
          Matches recipients having the mail sender in the recipient's private whitelist .
 class IsSingleRecipient
 class NESSpamCheck
          This is based on a sample filter.cfg for a Netscape Mail Server to stop spam.
 class RecipientIs
 class RecipientIsLocal
 class RecipientIsOverFixedQuota
          Experimental: Checks whether a recipient has exceeded a maximum allowed quota for messages standing in his inbox.
 class RecipientIsRegex
          Matches recipients whose address matches a regular expression.
 class RelayLimit
 class RemoteAddrInNetwork
          Checks the IP address of the sending server against a comma- delimited list of IP addresses, domain names or sub-nets.
 class RemoteAddrNotInNetwork
          Checks the IP address of the sending server against a comma- delimited list of IP addresses, domain names or sub-nets.
 class SenderHostIs
          Checkes the sender's displayed domain name against a supplied list.
 class SenderInFakeDomain
          Does a DNS lookup (MX and A/CNAME records) on the sender's domain.
 class SenderIs
 class SenderIsNull
          Matches mails that are sent by a null sender.
 class SenderIsRegex
          Matches mails that are sent by a sender whose address matches a regular expression.
 class SizeGreaterThan
          Checks whether the message (entire message, not just content) is greater than a certain number of bytes.
 class SMTPAuthSuccessful
          Matches mails that are sent by an SMTP authenticated user.
 class SMTPAuthUserIs
          Matches mails that are sent by an SMTP authenticated user present in a supplied list.
 class SubjectIs
 class SubjectStartsWith
 class UserIs

Uses of Matcher in org.apache.james.transport.matchers.smime

Classes in org.apache.james.transport.matchers.smime that implement Matcher
 class IsSMIMEEncrypted
          Checks if a mail is smime encrypted.
 class IsSMIMESigned
          checks if a mail is smime signed.
 class IsX509CertificateSubject
           Checks if the subject of a X509Certificate contains the supplied string.

Uses of Matcher in org.apache.mailet

Classes in org.apache.mailet that implement Matcher
 class GenericMatcher
          GenericMatcher implements the Matcher and MatcherConfig interfaces.
 class GenericRecipientMatcher
          GenericMatcher makes writing recipient based matchers easier.

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