Uses of Interface

Packages that use MailRepository
org.apache.james.mailrepository Implementations of mail repositories for use in James. A set of interfaces for commonly used, generic James concepts. 

Uses of MailRepository in org.apache.james

Methods in org.apache.james that return MailRepository
 MailRepository James.getUserInbox(java.lang.String userName)
          Retrieve the mail repository for a user

Uses of MailRepository in org.apache.james.mailrepository

Classes in org.apache.james.mailrepository that implement MailRepository
 class AvalonMailRepository
          Implementation of a MailRepository on a FileSystem.
 class AvalonSpoolRepository
          Implementation of a MailRepository on a FileSystem.
 class JDBCMailRepository
          Implementation of a MailRepository on a database.
 class JDBCSpoolRepository
          Implementation of a SpoolRepository on a database.
 class MailStoreSpoolRepository
          This is a wrapper for the various implementations of SpoolRepositories.
 class MBoxMailRepository
          Implementation of a MailRepository using UNIX mbox files.

Uses of MailRepository in

Subinterfaces of MailRepository in
 interface SpoolRepository
          Interface for a Repository for Spooling Mails.

Methods in that return MailRepository
 MailRepository MailServer.getUserInbox(java.lang.String userName)
          Retrieve the primary mailbox for userName.

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