Interface DNSServer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DNSServer

Provides abstraction for DNS resolutions. The interface is Mail specific. It may be a good idea to make the interface more generic or expose commonly needed DNS methods.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ROLE
          The component role used by components implementing this service
Method Summary
 java.util.Collection findMXRecords(java.lang.String hostname)
          Get a priority-sorted collection of DNS MX records for a given hostname
 java.util.Iterator getSMTPHostAddresses(java.lang.String domainName)
          Performs DNS lookups as needed to find servers which should or might support SMTP.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String ROLE
The component role used by components implementing this service

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.util.Collection findMXRecords(java.lang.String hostname)

Get a priority-sorted collection of DNS MX records for a given hostname

TODO: Change this to a list, as not all collections are sortable

hostname - the hostname to check
collection of strings representing MX record values.


java.util.Iterator getSMTPHostAddresses(java.lang.String domainName)
Performs DNS lookups as needed to find servers which should or might support SMTP. Returns one SMTPHostAddresses for each such host discovered by DNS. If no host is found for domainName, the Iterator returned will be empty and the first call to hasNext() will return false.

domainName - the String domain for which SMTP host addresses are sought.
an Enumeration in which the Objects returned by next() are instances of SMTPHostAddresses.

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