Package org.apache.james.util

A variety of utility classes used inside James.


Class Summary
Base64 Simple Base64 string decoding function
BayesianAnalyzer Determines probability that text contains Spam.
CharTerminatedInputStream An InputStream class that terminates the stream when it encounters a particular byte sequence.
CRLFTerminatedReader A Reader for use with SMTP or other protocols in which lines must end with CRLF.
DebugInputStream Reads data off a stream, printing every byte read to System.err.
DotStuffingInputStream Removes the dot-stuffing happening during the NNTP and SMTP message transfer
ExtraDotOutputStream Adds extra dot if dot occurs in message body at beginning of line (according to RFC1939) Compare also org.apache.james.smtpserver.SMTPInputStream
InternetPrintWriter Writes to a wrapped Writer class, ensuring that all line separators are '\r\n', regardless of platform.
JDBCBayesianAnalyzer Manages the persistence of the spam bayesian analysis corpus using a JDBC database.
JDBCUtil Helper class for managing common JDBC tasks.
Lock Provides Lock functionality
SchedulerNotifyInputStream This will reset the scheduler each time a certain amount of data has been transfered.
SchedulerNotifyOutputStream This will reset the scheduler each time a certain amount of data has been transfered.
SqlResources Provides a set of SQL String resources (eg SQL Strings) to use for a database connection.

Exception Summary

Package org.apache.james.util Description

A variety of utility classes used inside James.

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