The Apache Software Foundation

Guest post: James and fail2ban

May 17, 2023

Credits: Paul Gunter

Original version.

Repel brute force attacks with Linux firewall (iptables) and fail2ban


Servers on the Internet are constantly under attack. Mail servers are also attacked to gain control of a server that can be used to send bulk spam emails. This often leads to these servers ending up on various black lists and can no longer be used as mail servers. A safe basic configuration of James is required at this point.

Nevertheless, attacks can mean that the server can practically no longer be operated. These are often DoS or DDoS attacks (Denial-of-Service or Distributed Denial-of-Service), which smaller servers in particular are difficult to defend against. However, basic protection via the firewall is relatively easy to reach.

But even after that, attacks can be seen, especially those that try to spy out access data. These attacks can be detected by monitoring the log files. So the attack patterns are known and can be repelled with fail2ban.

All examples refer to a Linux operating system, Windows is not covered. The examples are shown using Ubuntu and can be transferred to other Linux variants. “iptables” is used as the firewall front end.


The following assumes a small mail server on which only an SSH service can be accessed from outside in addition to Apache James. In the example, the SSH service uses the standard port 22, James uses the standard ports 25 (smtp), 110 (pop3) and/or 143 (imap).

The examples refer to Apache James 3.8.0 (Spring App).

The operating system is Ubuntu 22.04.

The configuration should be carried out beforehand on a test system and not during operation. One thing to note about James is that changes to log4j2’s configuration usually take effect immediately.

(D)DoS - Attacks

An attempt is made to load the server with so many requests that it no longer works. In the case of DDos, this is carried out in parallel by a large number of servers, which also means a corresponding amount of effort. A firewall can at least be used to ward off simple attacks.

Rules are defined for the open ports and ping, which minimize the number of accesses. It must be ensured that the number of accesses is not restricted to such an extent that regular accesses are also affected.

A normal check per ping usually has one access per second, so that 60 accesses per minute and IP address are normal.

The firewall rule can be (increase hitcount by one access so that there is no crash during regular operation):

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m recent --set --name DDOS-PING
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m recent --update --seconds 5 --hitcount 6 --name DDOS-PING -j DROP

A permanent ping query with one server is possible, if the same server tries to work in parallel, it is over after a total of 5 attempts.

Similarly, this can be set for other open ports:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name DDOS-SSH
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 6 --name DDOS-SSH -j DROP
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name DDOS-SMTP
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name DDOS-SMTP -j DROP
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 110 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name DDOS-POP
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 110 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name DDOS-POP -j DROP
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 143 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name DDOS-IMAP
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 143 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name DDOS-IMAP -j DROP

There are many examples on the Internet how a firewall can be set up for a small server. It is definitely worth looking into this further and setting up a suitable firewall.


Fail2ban analyzes log files and can trigger actions via rules. If an attack is detected, the firewall can be expanded so that the attacker is blocked for a certain period of time.

A typical example is an attacker trying to guess a password. Unfortunately, the firewall from above does not work here. The reason is that the attacker first connects to the mail server via the SMTP port. Within this connection he is now constantly trying to log in with his name and password. Since the connection is not closed, the rules above do not apply. The failed login attempts are noted in James log file and look something like this:


  • Rejected message. Unknown user: dar…

Here, an e-mail is rejected in the name of an unknown sender. “” is your own domain, which is being attacked. Unfortunately, the log line does not show which IP address the attack came from, more on that later.

Another example:

org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.core.esmtp.AuthCmdHandler.doAuthTest:397 - AUTH method LOGIN failed from Username{localPart=root, domainPart=Optional[Domain]}@

An attempt is made to log in as root user, the password is incorrect and the login is rejected. At least the attacker’s IP address is visible here at the end of the line.

The following shows how these two attacks can be repelled with fail2ban. This can serve as a template for similar attack attempts.

Installing fail2ban

Information about fail2ban is available here: There are many instructions and good examples on the Internet. Therefore, here is only a brief explanation of how the installation and initial setup works with Ubuntu. Other Linux distributions may vary.

Fail2ban is set up with the following commands:

supo apt update
sudo apt install fail2ban
sudo systemctl start fail2ban
sudo systemctl enable fail2ban

Ubuntu installs the software. After start fail2ban manually. Finally the service is set to start automatically after boot. The status of the service can be checked as follows:

service fail2ban status

Depending on the Linux variant, the setup may differ.

The configuration files are located in “/etc/fail2ban/”. Changes should not be made to the original files, as these will be overwritten during an update. Therefore, the “jail.conf” and “fail2ban.conf” files should be copied to “jail.local” and “fail2ban.local”. (We will not make any adjustments to these files here, so there is no need to copy them.)

How fail2ban works

As already written, fail2ban is based on the evaluation of log files. We will later adapt James accordingly, we will use Log4j2.

The log file contains a timestamp at the beginning of the line. As a rule, fail2ban recognizes the format automatically, as it did in our case. The attacker’s IP address must also be in the line. Regular expressions will be used to recognize these and also to filter the relevant lines. We will not go into more detail here, for our own adaptations we refer to tutorials and examples from the Internet. Filters are used to evaluate the log files. These are stored in the “./filter.d/” folder. Examples for many services are already predefined there.

Additional configurations are stored in the “./jail.d/” folder. With Ubuntu, the file “defaultsdebian.conf” is available there. Only the SSH service is activated there by default. All other services are therefore not in operation and must be activated if necessary. With SSH, the standard values can generally be accepted.

The status of the evaluation of ssh can be tested as follows:

sudo fail2ban-client status sshd

For computers on the Internet, blocked IP addresses can be displayed here after a short time.

For our purposes, we will set up the following files:

  • A James log file
  • A filter file „./filter.d/james.conf“
  • A jail file „../jail.d/james.conf“

Adaptation to SSHD

To get started, we’ll briefly deal with the customization for SSH access. It is best not to use ssh to access our server with a password, but only with an SSH key. This makes incorrect passwords rather unlikely. This means that the attacker can be blocked after just a few failed attempts. The time after which access from a blocked IP address is allowed again can be set quite high here.

The specifications come from the file “/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf” or from “/etc/fail2ban/jail.local”.

These values are as follows:

# "bantime" is the number of seconds that a host is banned.
bantime = 10m
# A host is banned if it has generated "maxretry" during the last "findtime"
# seconds.
findtime = 10m
# "maxretry" is the number of failures before a host get banned.
maxretry = 5

In our case we change the values only for the SSHD service in the „/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/defaultsdebian.conf“ file. After the file looks like this:

enabled = true
bantime = 120m
findtime = 60m
maxretry = 2

If there are 2 failed attempts within 1 hour from an IP address, we block the address for 2 hours.

After changes to configuration files, fail2ban must be restarted:

sudo systemctl restart fail2ban

Setup Apache James

The following explains how James can be secured via fail2ban. Since there is no standard here, we have to build the filter ourselves. Before that we will set up a log file.

Generating a log file

The log files for James are in the installation logs folder. In the following we assume that this is the folder: “/opt/james/log/”. In the Spring version of James there are quite a few log files. In our case, we assume that there is only the “wrapper.log” file and that all relevant log outputs are logged there. James Spring variant uses apache-log4j2 to log events. The “./conf/log4j2.xml” file is used as the configuration file for this.

We build a layout that outputs the following information:

  • The timestamp (%d)
  • The Java class from which the entry is generated (%C)
  • The attacker’s IP address (%X)
  • The log message (%msg)
  • A line break (%n)

The IP address is a variable that James provides himself. This is very useful as there are log entries that do not report this IP address (see above). In order to be able to evaluate this better, the entry is as follows: “[ip=%X{ip}]”. Unfortunately, this variable is not always filled. This is the case in our other example, fortunately we can see the IP address from the log entry there.

So that the wrapper.conf file is also filled further, there is also the console layout, which adopts Tomcat layout.

Our log file gets the name “james.log”, we use the “RollingFile” format.

We only post log messages of classes whose packages start with “org.apache.james.protocols.smtp”.

The complete configuration looks like this (/opt/james/conf/log4j2.xml):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="INFO" monitorInterval="30" >
 <Property name="logDir">../log</Property>
 <Property name="logLayoutTomcat">%d{dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} %level
[%t] %C.%M:%L - %msg%n</Property>
 <Property name="logLayoutJames">%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z} - %C [ip=
%X{ip}] - %msg%n</Property>
 <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
 <PatternLayout pattern="${logLayoutTomcat}" />
 <RollingFile name="James" fileName="${logDir}/james.log" filePattern="$
{logDir}/james.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.log.gz" ignoreExceptions="false">
 <PatternLayout pattern="${logLayoutJames}" charset="UTF-8" />
 <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10 MB" />
 <DefaultRolloverStrategy min="1" max="9" />
 <Logger name="org.apache.james.protocols.smtp" level="info" >
 <AppenderRef ref="James" level="info" />
 <Root level="info" >
 <AppenderRef ref="Console" level="info" />

To test the log output, we first fill the file (/opt/james/log/james.log) with the following content:

2023-06-17 11:11:50.206 +0200 - org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.core.fastfail.AbstractValidRcptHandler [ip=] - Rejected message. Unknown user:
2023-06-17 11:11:51.206 +0200 - org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.core.fastfail.AbstractValidRcptHandler [ip=] - Rejected message. Unknown user:
2023-06-17 11:11:50.206 +0200 - org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.core.esmtp.AuthCmdHandler [ip=] - AUTH method LOGIN failed from Username{localPart=monitor, domainPart=Optional[Domain]}@
2023-06-17 11:11:50.206 +0200 - org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.core.esmtp.AuthCmdHandler [ip=] - AUTH method LOGIN failed from Username{localPart=monitor, domainPart=Optional[Domain]}@
2023-06-17 11:11:52.206 +0200 - org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.core.fastfail.AbstractValidRcptHandler [ip=] - Rejected message. Unknown user:
2023-06-17 11:11:53.206 +0200 - org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.core.fastfail.AbstractValidRcptHandler [ip=] - Rejected message. Unknown user:
2023-06-17 11:11:50.206 +0200 - org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.core.esmtp.AuthCmdHandler [ip=] - AUTH method LOGIN failed from Username{localPart=monitor, domainPart=Optional[Domain]}@
2023-06-17 11:11:50.206 +0200 - org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.core.esmtp.AuthCmdHandler [ip=] - AUTH method LOGIN failed from Username{localPart=monitor, domainPart=Optional[Domain]}@

Setting up filters

We create the file “/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/james.conf” with the following content:

failregex =
[ip=<HOST>\].-.Rejected message. Unknown user.*$
method LOGIN failed from Username.*\@<HOST>$
ignoreregex =

We see 2 regular expressions there. The first looks at the „AbstractValidRcptHandler“ class. The IP address is filled via the James variable. The IP address is recognized with the placeholder .

The second looks at the “AuthCmdHandler” class, the IP address is at the end of the line.

Setup Jail

We create the file “/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/james.conf” with the following content:

enabled = true
filter = james
logpath = /opt/james/log/james.log
bantime = 120m
findtime = 20m
maxretry = 2

This completes the setup. The service must be restarted for the changes to take effect:

sudo systemctl restart fail2ban

Testing the settings

The “fail2ban-regex” program can be used for testing. It is called with the information about the log and filter files:

fail2ban-regex /opt/james/log/james.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/james.conf

All lines should be recognized and evaluated, the result should look like this at the end:

Lines: 8 lines, 0 ignored, 8 matched, 0 missed

Lines that are not evaluated are displayed. In this case check your filter file. At the end restart James with the new log configuration, after restart fail2ban. If you use your own firewall script, this should be started beforehand. James condition can be checked as follows:

sudo fail2ban-client status james


Fail2ban is a very powerful program and can help keep James running more safely. But it is only one element of security. A coordinated firewall and constant monitoring of the server must continue to be guaranteed.