Apache James Server 3.3.0
March 26, 2019
The Apache James developers are pleased to announce James server 3.3.0 release.
Here are some points we worked on:
- Metrics for BlobStore
- New Guice product using Cassandra RabbitMQ ElasticSearch, OpenStack Swift and optional LDAP dependency (experimental)
- JPA SMTP dockerFile contributed by matzepan
- Listing healthchecks, thanks to Madhu Bhat
- Configuring the ElasticSearch clusterName
- Logging and Metrics now supports Elasticsearch 6 (previously only Elasticsearch 2 was supported)
- Implementation of the RabbitMQ EventBus
- DeadLetter APIs and memory implementation for storing events that failed delivery
- RecipientRewriteTable Aliases and associated WebAdmin routes
- MAILBOX-350 Potential invalid UID <-> MSN mapping upon IMAP COPY
- Possibility to better zoom in Grafana boards
- default ElasticSearch shards & replica configured values
- Move & copy batch sizes are now loaded from configuration
- WebAdmin ReIndexing API had been reworked
- MailboxListener and mailbox event system were reworked. Custom listeners will need to be adapted. Please see Upgrade instuctions.
- Docker images are now using a JRE instead of a JDK
- Replacement of the old mailbox event system with the EventBus
- Drop HBase and JCR components (mailbox and server/data).
Third party softwares
- Tika prior 1.20 is subject to multiple CVEs. We recommend the upgrade
Early adopters can download it, any issue can be reported on our issue tracker.