Apache James Server 3.1.0
July 31, 2018
James server 3.1.0 has been releases.
Here are some points we worked on:
- Introduce an object store
- Configurable listeners
- MDN (Message Disposition notification) parsing and handling
- SpamAssassin support with per user reports
- Search in attachments
- Data Leak Prevention
- JPA SMTP Guice product
- Cassandra migration process
- Structured logging
- RPM packaging (in addition to deb packaging)
- Delegating folders
- Move to Java 8
- Improve Mail Repositories handling, including a nice web API
- Improve Mail Queues handling, including a nice web API
- Improve RRT (Recipient Rewrite Table) implementation
- Quota handling improvements, and in particular users can receive an email when they are near the limit of their quota
- Many performances enhancement, in particular on Cassandra backend
- Documentation updates
Early adopters can download it, any issue can be reported on our issue tracker.