Uses of Interface

Packages that use SPFChecker

Uses of SPFChecker in org.apache.james.jspf.core

Methods in org.apache.james.jspf.core that return SPFChecker
 SPFChecker SPFSession.popChecker()
          Remove the SPFChecker on the top and return it.

Methods in org.apache.james.jspf.core with parameters of type SPFChecker
 void SPFCheckEnabled.enableSPFChecking(SPFChecker checker)
          Provide component with an SPF Checker.
 void SPFSession.pushChecker(SPFChecker checker)
          Add the given SPFChecker on top of the stack

Uses of SPFChecker in org.apache.james.jspf.impl

Classes in org.apache.james.jspf.impl that implement SPFChecker
 class DefaultSPF
 class SPF
          This class is used to generate a SPF-Test and provided all intressting data.

Uses of SPFChecker in org.apache.james.jspf.policies

Classes in org.apache.james.jspf.policies that implement SPFChecker
 class InitialChecksPolicy
          Run the checks on the validity of the domain This is an override filter to be executed as the first so it should be added as the last filter.
 class SPFRetriever
          Get the raw dns txt or spf entry which contains a spf entry
 class SPFStrictCheckerRetriever
          Get the raw dns txt or spf entry which contains a spf entry.

Uses of SPFChecker in org.apache.james.jspf.terms

Subinterfaces of SPFChecker in org.apache.james.jspf.terms
 interface Mechanism
          This Interface represent a mechanismn
 interface Modifier
          This Interface represent a modifier

Classes in org.apache.james.jspf.terms that implement SPFChecker
 class AllMechanism
          This class represent the all mechanism
 class AMechanism
          This class represent the a mechanism
 class Directive
          A Directive is a mechanism with a resulting qualifier.
 class ExistsMechanism
          This class represent the exists mechanism
 class ExpModifier
          This class represent the exp modifier
 class GenericMechanism
          This abstract class represent a gerneric mechanism
 class GenericModifier
          This abstract class represent a gerneric modifier
 class IncludeMechanism
          This class represent the incude mechanism
 class IP4Mechanism
          This class represent the ip4 mechanism
 class IP6Mechanism
          This class represent the ip6 mechanism
 class MXMechanism
          This class represent the mx mechanism
 class PTRMechanism
          This class represent the ptr mechanism
 class RedirectModifier
          This class represent the redirect modifier
 class UnknownModifier
          This Class represent an Unknown Modifier

Methods in org.apache.james.jspf.terms with parameters of type SPFChecker
 void RedirectModifier.enableSPFChecking(SPFChecker checker)
 void IncludeMechanism.enableSPFChecking(SPFChecker checker)

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