Uses of Class

Packages that use IPAddr

Uses of IPAddr in org.apache.james.jspf.core

Methods in org.apache.james.jspf.core that return IPAddr
static IPAddr IPAddr.getAddress(java.lang.String netAddress)
static IPAddr IPAddr.getAddress(java.lang.String netAddress, int maskLength)
          Get ipAddress for the given String and netmask

Uses of IPAddr in org.apache.james.jspf.terms

Methods in org.apache.james.jspf.terms that return IPAddr
protected  IPAddr IP4Mechanism.getIp()

Methods in org.apache.james.jspf.terms with parameters of type IPAddr
 boolean AMechanism.checkAddressList(IPAddr checkAddress, java.util.List addressList, int cidr)
          Check if the given ipaddress array contains the provided ip.

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