Uses of Class

Packages that use SieveContext

Uses of SieveContext in org.apache.jsieve

Subclasses of SieveContext in org.apache.jsieve
 class BaseSieveContext
          Bean based implementation of context.

Methods in org.apache.jsieve with parameters of type SieveContext
 boolean TestList.allTestsPass(MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
          Do all tests pass for the given mail?
 boolean TestList.anyTestsPass(MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
          Do any tests pass for the given mail?
 java.lang.Object ExecutableCommand.execute(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
          Method execute executes a Sieve Command.
 java.lang.Object Commands.execute(MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
 java.lang.Object TestList.execute(MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
 java.lang.Object Test.execute(MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
 java.lang.Object Block.execute(MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
 java.lang.Object Executable.execute(MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
 java.lang.Object Command.execute(MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
 boolean Test.isTestPassed(MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
          Is this test passed for the given mail?

Constructors in org.apache.jsieve with parameters of type SieveContext
SieveParserVisitorImpl(SieveContext context)
          Constructor for NodeVisitor.

Uses of SieveContext in org.apache.jsieve.commands

Methods in org.apache.jsieve.commands with parameters of type SieveContext
 java.lang.Object AbstractCommand.execute(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Method execute executes a basic Sieve Command after first invoking framework methods to validate that Sieve is in a legal state to invoke the Command and that the Command arguments are legal.
protected  java.lang.Object AbstractConditionalCommand.execute(MailAdapter mail, Block block, SieveContext context)
          Method execute executes a Block within the context of a new ConditionManager.
protected  java.lang.Object Elsif.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Conditionally eexecute a Block if an Elsif Condition is allowed and runnable.
protected  java.lang.Object If.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Conditionally eexecute a Block if an If Condition is allowed and runnable.
protected  java.lang.Object Keep.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Add an ActionKeep to the List of Actions to be performed.
protected  java.lang.Object Redirect.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Add an ActionRedirect to the List of Actions to be performed passing the sole StringList argument as the recipient.
protected  java.lang.Object Stop.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Throws a StopException.
protected  java.lang.Object Discard.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Discard silently discards a Mail by cancelling the implicit keep as specified in RFC 3028, Section 4.5.
protected abstract  java.lang.Object AbstractCommand.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
          Abstract method executeBasic invokes a Sieve Command.
protected  java.lang.Object Else.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Conditionally eexecute a Block if an Else Condition is runnable.
protected  java.lang.Object Require.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Ensure the required feature is configured.
protected  void AbstractActionCommand.updateState(SieveContext context)
           Method updateState() updates the CommandStateManager to indicate an Action Command has been processed and to cancel implicit keep.
protected  void AbstractCommand.updateState(SieveContext context)
          Framework method updateState is invoked after a Sieve Command has executed to update the Sieve state.
protected  void AbstractBodyCommand.updateState(SieveContext context)
           Method updateState() updates the CommandStateManager to indicate a Body Command has been processed.
protected  void Elsif.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void If.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void Redirect.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void AbstractCommand.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
          Framework method validateArguments is invoked before a Sieve Command is executed to validate its arguments.
protected  void Require.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void AbstractConditionalCommand.validateBlock(Block block, SieveContext context)
protected  void AbstractCommand.validateBlock(Block block, SieveContext context)
          Framework method validateBlock is invoked before a Sieve Command is executed to validate its Block.
protected  void Require.validateCommand(java.lang.String name, SieveContext context)
          Method validateCommand.
protected  void Require.validateFeature(java.lang.String name, MailAdapter mail, SieveContext context)
          Method validateFeature validates the required feature is configured as either a Command or a Test.
protected  void AbstractActionCommand.validateSingleStringArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
          This is an utility method for subclasses
protected  void AbstractActionCommand.validateState(SieveContext context)
           Method validateState() validates via the CommandStateManager that an Action Command is legal at this time.
protected  void AbstractCommand.validateState(SieveContext context)
          Framework method validateState is invoked before a Sieve Command is executed to validate its state.
protected  void AbstractPrologCommand.validateState(SieveContext context)
           Method validateState() ensures, via the CommandStateManager, that a Prolog Command is permissible.
protected  void Require.validateTest(java.lang.String name, SieveContext context)
          Method validateTest.

Uses of SieveContext in org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions

Methods in org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions with parameters of type SieveContext
protected  java.lang.Object Log.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
protected  void Log.log(java.lang.String logLevel, java.lang.String message, SieveContext context)
          Method log.
protected  void Log.logDebug(java.lang.String message, SieveContext context)
          Method logDebug.
protected  void Log.logError(java.lang.String message, SieveContext context)
          Method logError.
protected  void Log.logFatal(java.lang.String message, SieveContext sieveContext)
          Method logFatal.
protected  void Log.logInfo(java.lang.String message, SieveContext context)
          Method logInfo.
protected  void Log.logTrace(java.lang.String message, SieveContext context)
          Method logTrace.
protected  void Log.logWarn(java.lang.String message, SieveContext context)
          Method logWarn.
protected  void Log.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)

Uses of SieveContext in org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional

Methods in org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional with parameters of type SieveContext
protected  java.lang.Object FileInto.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Add an ActionFileInto to the List of Actions to be performed passing the sole StringList argument as the destination.
protected  java.lang.Object Reject.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, Block block, SieveContext context)
           Add an ActionReject to the List of Actions to be performed.
protected  void Reject.updateState(SieveContext context)
protected  void FileInto.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void Reject.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void Reject.validateState(SieveContext context)

Uses of SieveContext in org.apache.jsieve.comparators

Methods in org.apache.jsieve.comparators with parameters of type SieveContext
static boolean ComparatorUtils.contains(java.lang.String comparatorName, java.lang.String container, java.lang.String contents, SieveContext context)
          Method contains answers a boolean indicating if the parameter container contains the parameter contents using an instance of comparatorName.
static boolean comparatorName, java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2, SieveContext context)
          Method is answers a boolean indicating if the parameter container is equal to the parameter contents using an instance of comparatorName.
static boolean ComparatorUtils.match(java.lang.String comparatorName, java.lang.String matchType, java.lang.String matchTarget, java.lang.String matchArgument, SieveContext context)
          Method match answers a boolean indicating if the parameter matchTarget compares to parameter matchArgument is a match of matchType using the comparator comparatorName.
static boolean ComparatorUtils.matches(java.lang.String comparatorName, java.lang.String string, java.lang.String glob, SieveContext context)
          Method matches answers a boolean indicating if the parameter string/code> is matched by the patterm glob using an instance of comparatorName.

Uses of SieveContext in org.apache.jsieve.mail

Methods in org.apache.jsieve.mail with parameters of type SieveContext
 void MailAdapter.setContext(SieveContext context)
          Sets the context for the current sieve script execution.

Uses of SieveContext in org.apache.jsieve.tests

Methods in org.apache.jsieve.tests with parameters of type SieveContext
 boolean ExecutableTest.execute(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
          Method execute executes a Test and answers a boolean indicating if the test was passed.
 boolean AbstractTest.execute(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
           Method execute executes a basic Sieve Test after first invoking framework methods to validate the Command arguments.
protected  boolean True.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  boolean AbstractCompatatorTest.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
           From RFC 3028, Section 5.1...
protected  boolean Header.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
           From RFC 3028, Section 5.7...
protected  boolean Not.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  boolean Exists.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  boolean AnyOf.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  boolean Size.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected abstract  boolean AbstractTest.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
          Abstract method executeBasic invokes a Sieve Test.
protected  boolean False.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  boolean AllOf.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  boolean Header.match(MailAdapter mail, java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> headerNames, java.util.List<java.lang.String> keys, SieveContext context)
          Method match.
protected  boolean AbstractCompatatorTest.match(MailAdapter mail, java.lang.String addressPart, java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> headerNames, java.util.List<java.lang.String> keys, SieveContext context)
          Method match.
protected  boolean AbstractCompatatorTest.match(MailAdapter mail, java.lang.String addressPart, java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, java.lang.String headerName, java.util.List<java.lang.String> keys, SieveContext context)
          Method match.
protected abstract  boolean AbstractCompatatorTest.match(MailAdapter mail, java.lang.String addressPart, java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, java.lang.String headerName, java.lang.String key, SieveContext context)
          Method match.
protected  boolean Address.match(MailAdapter mail, java.lang.String addressPart, java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, java.lang.String headerName, java.lang.String key, SieveContext context)
protected  boolean Header.match(java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> headerValues, java.util.List<java.lang.String> keys, SieveContext context)
          Method match.
protected  boolean Header.match(java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, java.lang.String headerValue, java.util.List<java.lang.String> keys, SieveContext context)
          Method match.
protected  boolean Address.match(java.lang.String addressPart, java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, MailAdapter.Address address, java.lang.String key, SieveContext context)
protected  void AbstractCompatatorTest.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void Header.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void Exists.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void Size.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
protected  void AbstractTest.validateArguments(Arguments arguments, SieveContext context)
          Framework method validateArguments is invoked before a Sieve Test is executed to validate its arguments.

Uses of SieveContext in org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional

Methods in org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional with parameters of type SieveContext
protected  boolean Body.executeBasic(MailAdapter mail, Arguments args, SieveContext ctx)
protected  boolean Envelope.match(MailAdapter mail, java.lang.String addressPart, java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, java.lang.String headerName, java.lang.String key, SieveContext context)
protected  boolean Envelope.match(java.lang.String addressPart, java.lang.String comparator, java.lang.String matchType, java.lang.String headerValue, java.lang.String key, SieveContext context)
          Method match.
protected  void Body.validateArguments(Arguments args, SieveContext ctx)

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