Package org.apache.jsieve

Interface Summary
Argument A simple Interface for Arguments.
CommandManager Maps Command names to configured Command implementation classes.
ComparatorManager Maps Comparator names to configured Comparator implementation classes.
Executable Interface for an Executable operation.
ExecutableCommand Interface ExecutableCommand defines the method signatures for Sieve Commands.
TestManager Maps Test names to configured Test implementation classes.

Class Summary
Arguments A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
BaseSieveContext Bean based implementation of context.
Block A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
Command A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
CommandManagerImpl Maps command names to comman implementations.
Commands A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
CommandStateManager Thread singleton class CommandStateManager records the state of a Sieve evaluation.
ComparatorManagerImpl Maps Comparator names to configured Comparator implementation classes.
ConditionManager Thread singleton class ConditionManager manages Conditional Commands during a Sieve evaluation.
ConfigurationManager ConfigurationManager parses the XML statements in the Sieve configuration file and translates them to Java objects.
NumberArgument A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
ScriptCoordinate Specifies the positional extent of an element within the script being executed.
SieveContext Context for sieve operations.
SieveFactory SieveFactory is the primary invocation point for all Sieve operations.
SieveParserVisitorImpl Class SieveParserVisitorImpl defines the behaviour for each visited node in the Sieve grammar.
SieveValidationVisitor Validates nodes visited.
StringListArgument Class StringListArgument is a parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
TagArgument A parsed representation of an RFC3028 TAG argument...
Test A parsed representation of an RFC3028 test argument...
TestList A parsed representation of an RFC3028 testlist argument...
TestManagerImpl Maps Test names to configured Test implementation classes.

Exception Summary
SieveConfigurationException Class SieveConfigurationException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while evaluating the Sieve configuration.

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